Software Engineer II | Honeywell | Jobs near Bangalore | Job Alert

Systems Engineer | Honeywell Careers | Jobs in Pune | Job Alert | Latest Jobs 2022

Systems Engineer | Honeywell Careers | Jobs in Pune | Job Alert | Latest Jobs 2022

Systems Engineer | Honeywell Careers | Jobs in Pune | Job Alert | Latest Jobs 2022

About Company

From our founding in 1885, innovation has always been our legacy and our future. The beginning of the company that became Honeywell, in 1885, inventor Albert Butz patented The furnace regulator and alarm. He then formed the Butz Thermoelectric Regulator Company in Minneapolis and soon created a device called “Damper Flapper”. That invention was a predecessor to the modern thermostat.

In 1906, young engineer Mark Honeywell formed the Honeywell Heating Speciality Co. Incorporated. The company specialized in making hot water heat generators, after perfecting them as part of his plumbing and heating business. In 1927, Minneapolis Heat Regulator Company and Honeywell Heating Speciality Co.

Merged to Form Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon during the Apollo 11 Mission. Honeywell was critical to that mission. For example, 16,000 Honeywell parts went into the 14 separate electronic devices that made up the Stabilisation and Control System (SCS). Meanwhile, Honeywell pilots help the flight testing.



System Engineer Job Description

Join a team at Honeywell [SBG] that designs, develops, and integrates highly complex systems. You will play an important role in developing system solutions that meet our customers’ changing needs. You will be involved in all aspects of the system life cycle, from the beginning of business development to the end of product life.

  • requirements analysis
  • requirements decomposition
  • systems design
  • model based development system design
  • systems integration
  • systems validation & verification
  • customer interaction
  • project oversight
  • project coordination
  • budget/schedule responsibility
  • Bachelors degree in Engineering.
  • Knowledge of the systems development lifecycle
  • Individual that quickly analyze, incorporate and apply new information and concepts.
  • Diverse and global teaming and collaboration
  • Ability to communicate with individuals at all levels in the organization
  • Individuals who are self-motivated and able to work with little supervision, who consistently take the initiative to get things done.
  • Ability to adapt to change with ease
  • Multi-tasking and has the ability to manage a variety of complicated tasks. 
  • familiarity with systems
  • an understanding of data structures to provide analytical problem solving

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