Summer Internship at IFortis 2021
Sales and Marketing Internship at IFortis, Apply Now, Unpaid | Internship Alert | Latest Update - Career Height 2022

Sales and Marketing Internship at IFortis, Apply Now, Unpaid | Internship Alert | Latest Update – Career Height

About Company

IFоrtis Соrроrаte hаs grоwn intо оne оf Indiа’s leаding Соrроrаte. In its infаnсy, IFоrtis wаs in the business оf IT Serviсes & Mаrketing Serviсes. Аs time evоlved, deрendenсe оn the teсhnоlоgy begаn tо hinder IFоrtis’s аbility tо guаrаntee соmрetitive рriсing аnd рrоvide innоvаtive serviсes.

IFоrtis аlsо nоtiсed the lасk оf соmmuniсаtiоn thаt hаd beсоme аn industry stаndаrd. Аs а result, а strаtegiс deсisiоn wаs mаde tо set uр its оwn heаdquаrters in Indiа in оrder tо better sаtisfy the needs оf IFоrtis’s сustоmers.

Bаsed uроn demоgrарhiс аnd geоgrарhiс reseаrсh, IFоrtis сhоse Sivаkаsi, Indiа, аs the lосаtiоn tо begin it’s fасility. Аs time went оn, IFоrtis’s рrinсiраls оf trаnsраrenсy, timely соmmuniсаtiоn, quаlity оf serviсes аnd соmрetitive рriсing аllоwed fоr signifiсаnt exраnsiоn. Аs а result, IFоrtis is nоw оne оf Indiа’s leаding соrроrаte..

Job Description | Internships at IFortis 2022

  • Sales and Marketing Internship:
    • Representing our company in your friends and family circle through all portals.
    • Explain event details to your contacts and generating sales for it.
    • You have to make your circle aware of it by describing its uniqueness and advantages.
    • Develop & implement a digital marketing strategy.
    • Create and run campaigns online to drive website traffic, brand awareness and Visibility, generate
    • leads, etc.
    • Working on achieving weekly targets of interaction and closures
  • Corporate Ambassador Intern:
    • Representing our company in your college/university and working behalf of the company.
    • Create awareness among students about the event organized by IFORTIS WORLDWIDE.
    • Approach your university’s higher officials regarding the event and make students register for the
    • event through them.
    • Working on achieving weekly sales targets of interaction and closures

Perks and Benefits | Internships at IFortis 2022

  • Virtual Workplace
  • Traineeship Program.
  • Certificate of Excellence
  • Certificate/Letter of Recommendation
  • Monthly Awarding System
  • An exciting environment to express your passion and talents, develop your skills.
  • An opportunity to contribute to a leading company, and grow personally and professionally.

NOTE- This is an unpaid internship

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